Свидетельство о регистрации средств массовой информации ЭЛ № ФС77-49292 от 6 апреля 2012 г.
Журнал включен (18.10.2016) в список изданий, рекомендуемых ВАК РФ.
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Panin I. A., Zalesov S. V. Mossy Spruce Wood Undergrowth Fruit Plant Resources in North Urals Mid-mountain Forest Growing Province
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Martynuyk А. А., Rafailov M. K. The Actualization of the System of Documents of Strategic Planning in the Forest Sector
Deryugin A. A. The Dynamics of the Population Status of Spruce in Stands Forming after Cutting of Birch Stands...
Demidova N. A., Durkina T. M., Gogoleva L. G., Bykov Y. C., Paramonov A. A. Lodgepole Pine (Pinus Contorta Loud. var. Latifolia S. Wats.) Growth in the Republic of Komi
Seredich М. О., Yarmolovich V. А., Yakimov N. I. Promotion of Pine Seedling Resistance to Phoma Blight Due to Fertilizer Applications
Belov A. A. Features of the Radial Wood Growth in the Weakened Pine-bilberries of Bryansk Region Contaminated with Radionuclides
Zhidkov A. N., Kozhenkov L. L. Restoration and Protection of Soils Bitsa Forests
Kazakov V. I., Prokazin N. E., Lobanovа E. N. Mechanization of agrotechnical tending forest nurseries
Panin I. A., Zalesov S. V. Mossy Spruce Wood Undergrowth Fruit Plant Resources in North Urals Mid-mountain Forest Growing Province
Solomonova E. V., Trusov N. A. Search and Perspective use of Fleshy oil Fruits of Forest Plants
Filipchuk A. N., Moiseev B. N., Malysheva N. V. New Aspects of Greenhouse Gases Sequestration by Russian Forests in Context of Paris Agreement on Climate Change
Matveev S. M. The Signal of Climate in the Radial Increment of Pine Stands in Modal Forest Types of the Voronezh Region
Panin I. A., Zalesov S. V. Mossy Spruce Wood Undergrowth Fruit Plant Resources in North Urals Mid-mountain Forest Growing Province
The journal background
Editorial Board
--Editor in chief
--Editorial ethics
Paper submission and publication rules
--Reference list
--License agreement
--Abstract development
Review procedure