Свидетельство о регистрации средств массовой информации ЭЛ № ФС77-49292 от 6 апреля 2012 г.
Журнал включен (18.10.2016) в список изданий, рекомендуемых ВАК РФ.
The journal background
Editorial Board
Editor in chief
Editorial ethics
Paper submission and publication rules
Reference list
License agreement
Abstract development
Review procedure
Forestry information №2 2018
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Ermolova A. Structure of White Poplar Plantations in the River Fioodplains of the Middle Don Basin
Demakov Yu., Krasnov V,. Kurnеnkova I. Distribution and Resource Potential of the Maple Leaf in the forests of the Republic of Mari El
Zaripov I., Puryaev А. Structure Forest Stands Larch Sibirica of the Republic Tatarstan
Stonozhenko L., Korotkov А., Grishenkov V. Subcanopy Forest Regeneration in the National Park Ugra
Nesina Е. Tree Injections – Demand and Suppl
Volokitina А., Sofronova T. Optimization of Forest Fire Fighting Expenditures
Gninenko Yu., Khegai I. Dynamics of Shrinking Spruce Forests in the Moscow Region
Zalesov S., Tukacheva V. Sanitary State in Drained Pine Stands of the Middle Ural
Rogozin М. The New Generation Forest Selection Program
Makarov S., Kuznetsova I., Smirnov V. Influence of Sterilization Methods and Types of Explants on Blue Honeysuckle their Viability in Vitro
Forestry information №2 2018
The journal background
Editorial Board
--Editor in chief
--Editorial ethics
Paper submission and publication rules
--Reference list
--License agreement
--Abstract development
Review procedure