Свидетельство о регистрации средств массовой информации ЭЛ № ФС77-49292 от 6 апреля 2012 г.Журнал включен (18.10.2016) в список изданий, рекомендуемых ВАК РФ.
Borovkov V., Demchenko G. The Use of Long-Acting Mineral Fertilizers in the Сultivation of Seedlings of Western Thuja with a Closed Root System in the Conditions of the Middle Zone of the European part of Russia
Borovkov V., Demchenko G. The Use of Long-Acting Mineral Fertilizers in the Сultivation of Seedlings of Western Thuja with a Closed Root System in the Conditions of the Middle Zone of the European part of Russia