Свидетельство о регистрации средств массовой информации ЭЛ № ФС77-49292 от 6 апреля 2012 г.
Журнал включен (18.10.2016) в список изданий, рекомендуемых ВАК РФ.
The journal background
Editorial Board
Editor in chief
Editorial ethics
Paper submission and publication rules
Reference list
License agreement
Abstract development
Review procedure
Micropropagation of economically valuable poplar forms
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Growth, condition and sustainability of white poplar plants in the floodplains of the steppe Pridonje rivers
A study of the seasonal growth of grey alder (Alnus incana (L.) Moench.) in the Arkhangelsk Region
Analysis and optimization of the container tree seedling production processes
On the quantitative assessment, a Monte Carlo risk of investment in the production of wood pellets
Estimation the impact of climate change on the emergence and spread of forest fires in the Northwest Russia
Early Fire Detection Methods: Video Monitoring
Breeding of beetles-blestnok in the laboratory for control centers of mass reproduction of dendroktona ...
Assessment stressresistance of various genotypes of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) using biotechnological methods
Male generative sphere study as a way to identifi promising introdused species
Micropropagation of economically valuable poplar forms
Adaptation of aspen regenerated plants to natural conditions
State forest vegetation in conditions of technogenic pollution in the boundaries of trie impact
Study on the biological characteristics of oils essential and water-oil products from far eastern species if birches
Perspective directions of the innovative nature of forestry in Kostroma, Yaroslavl and Kirov regions of the Russian Federation
Micropropagation of economically valuable poplar forms
The journal background
Editorial Board
--Editor in chief
--Editorial ethics
Paper submission and publication rules
--Reference list
--License agreement
--Abstract development
Review procedure